NixOS - A PostgreSQL NixOS container (not Docker)


Recently, I was trying out several different database driver implementations for Rust. sqlx sounded especially interesting to me since it enables compile-time verification of queries against the present database-schema state (produced by a series of migrations).

However, this powerful feature does come with a trade-off: the necessity of maintaining an active PostgreSQL server that the verifier can communicate with.

In contrast to the conventional approach of enabling a PostgreSQL service system-wide, I opted to leverage the capabilities of NixOS containers.

If you have experience with Docker or comparable technologies, you’ll discover that NixOS containers represent an enhanced solution compared to their counterparts. NixOS containers bring advantages like streamlined dependency management, reduced impact on your system (leveraging systemd-nspawn), declarative configuration, and the ability to ensure reproducibility. To delve deeper into the benefits of Nix, visit the official Nix & NixOS website.

In the remainder of this post I’ll explain what I did to obtain a running NixOS container instance serving a PostgreSQL service. I’ve created a new flake output in my projects flake called nixosConfigurations.postgres-container:

The example can be found on Sourcehut or GitHub.

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
  outputs = inputs@{ nixpkgs, ... }:
      nixosConfigurations = {
        postgres-container = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
          system = "x86_64-linux";
          modules = [
            ({ pkgs, config, ... }:
                cfg = {
                  pgUser = "helloworld";
                  pgUserPassword = "helloworld";
                  # hash = $(echo -n "<pgUser><pgUserPassword>" | md5sum)
                  # prefix with md5 i.e. "md5$hash"
                  pgUserPasswordMd5 = "md58be363cf63c20050aaad7dbe737acd73";
                  pgDb = "helloworld";
                boot.isContainer = true;

                users.users.${cfg.pgUser} = {
                  name = cfg.pgUser;
                  group = cfg.pgUser;
                  isSystemUser = true;

                users.groups.${cfg.pgUser} = { };

                networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts =
                  [ ];

                services.postgresql = {
                  enable = true;
                  enableTCPIP = true;
                  settings.port = 5432;
                  ensureDatabases = [ cfg.pgDb ];
                  authentication = ''
                    #type database DBuser origin-address auth-method
                    # ipv4
                    host  all      ${cfg.pgUser}      md5
                    # ipv6
                    host all       ${cfg.pgUser}     ::/0           md5
                  ensureUsers = [
                      name = cfg.pgUser;
                      ensureDBOwnership = true;
                  initialScript = pkgs.writeText "backend-init-script" ''
                    CREATE ROLE ${cfg.pgUser} WITH SUPERUSER LOGIN PASSWORD '${cfg.pgUserPasswordMd5}' CREATEDB;

After adding this output you can use it in the following way using nixos-container:

  1. Create a container called “postgres”, using the nixosConfiguration.postgres-container output of the current flake:
sudo nixos-container create postgres --flake .#postgres-container
  1. Start the container
sudo nixos-container start postgres
  1. If not printed after startup, run the following to figure out the containers IP address.
sudo nixos-container show-ip postgres
  1. Test whether you can connect to the database that is running on the guest on your host. (other connection info was extracted from the cfg attrset, see flake output postgres-container)
psql -h <IP address from step 3> -p 5432 -d helloworld -U helloworld -W

-W will ask you for the password, which is cfg.pgUserPassword i.e. helloworld.

For obvious reasons you should not use this container in production.